Friday, June 11, 2010


I hope I will see this fellow when I get back to Florida, and the oil spill hasn't killed him!

I'll be on the road again on Monday-heading toward Colorado., with 4 kids , two dogs and my daughter, wish me patience! Several days in a car with that many can surely try ones patience!

I have a pinched nerve in my back/neck, Wed. eve was spent at the local medi stop- basically they gave me some meds to shut me up. Then Thurs am was spent in ER, the pain was so intense I just couldnt stand it. After several hours of poking, prodding and xrays they decided I have arthritis & a pinched nerve- near my scapula. Yikes, they gave me Valium, Dilaudid, & Tordal IV followed up with Motrin & Tylenol. I went to sleep for about 20 minutes only. Still had the pain, but was relieved somewhat. and believe me I have high tolerance to pain! Usually I go to sleep just taking an aspirin! They sent me off with a couple prescriptions and said maybe I should have chiropractic care or get with my doc and have physical therapy! what part of I am on vaca didn't they understand? O yeah they listen to what they want to hear. AND this is coming from a nurse folks!

The house is kinda cleaned up, now we are on to packing! Yikes packing just for the kids alone is a task! Then of course we have to pack for ourselves and 2 dogs what fun! O and pack the van! I am tired already and we have only just begun. But I cant do it all and the daughter went off to work. The doc said I should rest, Yea I can do that watching 4 kiddos and 2 dogs and a handicapped daughter.

The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark. Michelangelo

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Maryland View

Gone are these days on the pier for awhile! Me and friend DD @ John's Pass Florida

Well I've been here about a week now, except for the time I went up to NJ. Yes I95 is still as crazy as always. So many cars, trucks & vans. It was a steady stream of traffic all the way there and back. But it was done without a hitch!

When I first arrived in Maryland all that I could think of as I exited the car was the smell! The lush green trees and so many varieties of flowers in bloom. Yes I missed spring, but I can never forget these smells!

My daughters tomato plants look spectacular! about 2 1/2 foot tall all full of blooms.
Her potato plants are just about to bloom. All the vegetables she has set out look great!

I do miss Florida, but I enjoy being with the family.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Lopped OFF

So you don't think my grandchildren are total scamps, this is what the twins did yesterday.

They have been growing their hair all winter for locks of love. I can't believe it only took a year, but here it is. Lizzie went first as it was her idea to start off with. One day she came home from school and announced she was growing her hair for 'locks of love'. My daughter was so happy as she does work for Hospice.

Her hair was much longer, and she came out with this cute bob. She complained all day she missed her hair, but when she got up this am she was happy it didn't take too long to fix.

They actually partition off the hair and measure it to make sure the areas are all long enough, must be 10 inches for 'locks of love'. Daughter says Pantene will take 8 inches.
Whatever it is a great cause and something the twins can do for someone else they don't even know.

Michelle came out with a bit different doo. She always wants her hair different from Lizzy, bur of course Lizzy loves being a twin, and always wants to look the same. Don't they look older than 10?
Now we have to get packaged and sent off.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Summer Craze!

Well I arrived safely in Maryland, actually don't remember most of the trip. Listened to the new Peterson book on tape! liked it!
The trip was not without drama though. The truck my brother was driving had a slow leak and we babied it the first day. Then the second day got a late start cause he had to repair the tire, in 2 places. Thank God he is a truck driver and knows how to do it! Thanks Uhaul for the 'good truck' It made the trip a bit longer, but at least we arrived safely!
The next day we made our usual holiday trip to the doctor. Seems as though grandson #2 got into poison ivy while at his dads and he has a whopping case of it. Quite close to his eye. He is now on steroids!!
Took the twins to a swimming barbecue party! I prob knew 3 people there besides the girls! Wasn't much fun for me, but I wanted them to go. They had a great time swimming AND eating!
Then we came home and had dinner! At least the rest of the family did! Actually dau #2 made nice salad with chicken grilled on the barby. We also had a fruit salad I made with the kiddos.

Time to go to bed after a full day, but not one kid wanted to go. We had quite an ordeal over it. Usually they go @ 8pm, but now school is out. They get to stay up later, imagine 11pm, screaming and yelling I could hear in my room downstairs. It ended with the house looking like the Texas Chain Saw massacre happened here. One girl kicked the other in the face and the bleeding and crying started. There was blood everywhere! and the bloody nose lasted quite awhile. They were banished to their rooms, but ended up sleeping on the floor downstairs!
Owell the start to a fun filled summer in Maryland! (hopefully) Luckily today has started out quietly!
We did Memorial day in grand style, even remembered the soldiers and those lost in combat and shot off some fireworks in their honor, AND how was your holiday!

The only difference between stumbling blocks and steppingstones is the way in which we use them.
- Unknown