Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
May I make a disclaimer- I totally agree with Albert Einstein. I really don't like getting a book and curling up with it to read. They will never call me Well Read! Maybe I have a touch of ADHD or something cause I just can't sit that long. The book HAS to be a REAL grabber!
Do you remember how you developed a love for reading? Nope, never did!
What are some books you read as a child? Dick & Jane, Bible, Johnathan Livingston Seagull, Of Mice & Men, Call of the Wild.
What is your favorite genre? Medical Mystery, Spirituality Books
Do you have a favorite novel?Of Mice & Men
Where do you usually read? Car, easy chair
When do you usually read? When bored, when I see something I just can't keep my hands off
Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time? no only during research
Do you read nonfiction in a different place than you read fiction? Yes nonfiction is usually read while sitting up almost at a desk, Fiction is anywhere I plop myself
Do you buy most books you read, or borrow them or check them out of the library-buy and Library. Actually most from library
Do you keep most of the books you buy? If not, what do you do with them? Keep them, others I share with friends
If you have children, what are some favorite books you have shared with them? Were they some same ones you read as a child? Same as I read as a child. Also, love taking the grands to the library, pick up a book and then read with them(not to them, but with them)
What are you reading now? Nothing really, have been really busy, but have purchased some for when I get a minute
Do you keep a TBR (to be read) list? no unless someone says you MUST read this
Whats next?POP goes the Weasel by Patterson
What books would you like to reread? None, I can't stand to reread stuff. 2 of the only books I have read many times are Of Mice & Men & Call of the Wild
Who are your favorite authors?Robin Cook, Patterson,Clive Custler, Max Lucado
Ok now you are tagged: Shoe, Zelda Parker, Merci, & Pax