Sunday, August 08, 2010

Quick trip to NJ

No scenery quite as impressive as this, but I did see quite a few family and friends!
Believe it or not, but I really don't remember the trip back! And it was just yesterday!
The only thing I truly remember was on I95-4 lanes going each way bumper to bumper
in the small state of Delaware! Kids asked why and I said it's the ole
"too much traffic for the Real Estate"

Was gonna go to church this am, but got up with what I feel is Strep throat, so me and dau #1 need to go to medi-stop. Don't want to go back home with that!

Time is winding down here in the great Northeast, but we are ready for our own beds, and own schedules! Not that we haven't had a good time, but one can only have so much fun-teehee!
Found this on a site I frequent and took me to thinking. In our lives we do hold secrets, each and every one of us-isn't it great that the Lord takes care of them!
Deuteronomy 29:29, 'The secret things belong to the Lord.'
O it is Iceland in previous post


Rambling Woods said...

I hope you don't have strep can be nasty...Feel better... Yes..we do hold secrets, but I want answers....hugs...Michelle

Virginia Gal said...

So this means you are back to Florida? Lucky you!