Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
Albert Camus (1913 - 1960)
the beginnings of a century plant-my granddaughters got a seedling this summer! I can't wait til it grows up. have ya ever seen a century plant? granddaughter#1 was so happy to see a real live century plant- she did a report on one last year. they only bloom every one hundred years. they grow about 11 feet tall.
I stand corrected. I also didn't think that star flower was from a jade, so I went back to the neighbors house and found the bloom attached to a kind of cactus! guess I will look closer the next time!
I have been thinking allot about helping others lately. I have always been that kind of person, but I seem to do it with more fervor now. It is just amazing how many folk are down and out now a days! People are suffering all over the place. It's sad to see some of the folk in my community be down and out. I know they weren't always this way, just by the way they talk & act. So dau #1 and I find ourselves sharing what the Lord gives us. ie a neighbor friend, who is taking care of her elderly dad. she was working as a counselor at the college two months ago, she got laid off and now cant find a job, she's only 50. so we share our leftovers with them. she is always saying 'I am gonna kill you guys', 'I will never be able to repay ya'. We always say one day we may need something and someone will pay it forward to us.
I am not writing this for kudos. but be aware of those around you. your leftovers could feed a family. you could take out someones trash. walk a neighbors dog. It's wonderful to see smiles on faces of those less fortunate than you!
That's what it's all about: paying it forward. Sometimes we get so busy and caught up in our own problems we forget that small things to us can be a huge help to someone else. I'm guilty of that a lot lately. Thanks for the reminder.
I've never seen or heard of that plant. :O)
This is the first time I've heard that quote from Camus. Insightful.
Hey, that's a really good encouragement. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
You epitomize the Prophet Jesus's teachings so beautifully!!
ps - what is this cute puppy search you have on the side of your page? They are adorable!
Great post. It is important to remember how we can all help each other in different ways.
mthanks all for the comments, Va gal- it was one of those gadgets you can download, they are cute! but seems to take a bit longer to come up on my place. How do you like feeding the fish. I am sorta fascinated with that, guess I have to have numb time!?
Nice. And I love Camus's take on autumn.
We have a century plant but I didn't know it until it bloomed a few years back and a neighbor told me about it. We have been in the house 28 years and it had never bloomed so obviously this thing was here way before the house was. I think the house was built in the 60's but it was on property that use to be all open wild land in the foothills near the mountains but also desert too.
Yes it's so important to help others. Good reminder.
I had never heard of a century plant.. You make a very good point and I do try to offer a smile and a good word wherever I go because you never know what people are going through....Michelle
I think sharing your food is a lovely idea. And nice ramblings, century plant - never heard of that. Wonderful quote. Where in Florida? My sis lives in Monticello in the panhandle.
I've never seen or heard of a century plant. Hope it blooms one day for you. If so take a snapshot and post it.
I've never heard or seen of a century plant before. Very interesting.
Yes, it's important to give back and be aware of those around us. It is a difficult time for so many.
thanks for all the kind words. I had never heard of century plant before either until I went to Amarillo Texas to visit relatives.
Hopefully I will get time to write a new post today? where does time fly!
That's a wonderful post and a good reminder to us all to be kind to one another and to help when we can. Nope, never heard of that century plant but I am glad I know about it now.
That's Victoria Williams singing "Century Plant," a song I dearly treasure. (Also including "Crazy Mary," another song of hers I love.)
or a different version if you don't go for her creaky voice.
We should all take care of eachother. Isn't that what the Kingdom of Heaven is really about?
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