I fell very lucky they didn't hit my house, but were quite nearby.
Man the sky's were awesome, a very different color & hue.
Black & green clouds quickly flew by. It moved 25 miles per hour.
Maybe so, but it was pretty ugly all day here.
Late in the afternoon, while I was laying down reading in my room,
there was such a clash & boom of thunder & lightening.
Dau#1 screamed, and I quickly got out of bed to make sure all was ok in the Casa! Whew, butterflies were ablast in my stomach! but all was well!
During the day I put all my plants out for some good ole rain and
even went to neighbors to get theirs out too.
Both of them are over 80, what else could I do.
Had to take pup out in the rain-he doesn't like that,
but I waited till it died down abit. He doesn't like the rain!
I also had more visitors in the Casa than the norm!
I couldn't believe they were out.
Now the after the rain part-
my back and knee are killing me
the sinuses are free from gunk!
I can breathe with glee
The skies are clear as can be
the flowers are perkier
and everything looks cleaner
even the birds are singing beautifully.
There is a crispness about the air
how very fortunate for me!
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.
Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862)
There was some violent weather your way...glad it didn't cause damage your way. I guess that is one good thing about living in NY..We have had only one tornado...but the winters are tough....Michelle
glad your house made it through safe and sound.
Glad you are safe and your house was free from harm. Lovely picture
Spectacular sky photo!!! I'm glad you were all okay. And may I say what a great neighbor you are. Wish you lived near me :))) Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's hard to take some pictures because of all that heavy traffic at times.
Glad the tornado missed you. Fabulous sky shot!
Sorry for being so fickle-just can't seem to find one I like
Glad the tornados passed you by.
Did the sky really look like that?
Glad the worst of it passed you by! I love a good storm (and we get our share of big boomers here), but nobody want to experience destruction.
Miss you!
Good thing it missed you! Never know where your house would land or on whom. Seriously, they are scarey I'm sure.
Whew glad the tornados didn't hit you. I saw on the news all the ones going through ....
Zelda, yes the sky actually looked like that.
Thanks for all the well wishes!
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