Friday, July 18, 2008

things remembered

Got the trailer loaded and drove back to Maryland last eve. Got back around midnight and then couldn't sleep! what the heck!
Of late I have been having trouble sleeping-o what could it be? not enough time to relax MAYBE!, too many things to think about MAYBE!, living in three places? MAYBE! Who needs sleep anyhow! I got online and cleared the mailboxes, til about 3am and still couldn't sleep, but decided I must go and rest at least! got up (first in the house) @ 7:30 am.

Is so wonderful to come in and no-one knows you're coming! When the kiddos realised I was here they just about broke my neck with hugs & kisses! The youngest had to sit on my lap and computer with me, like old times! all the while "I LOVE YOU, you're mine"

Today and the next few will be of adventure, we are having yard sale! yes with 4 kiddos, oops I have inherited a three yr old niece for a week! make that 5 kiddos! by the end of the weekend I will be ready for the psychiatric hospital for sure!

I still have some stuff at the house, but it is looking real bare! I go out and get the real needy stuff only- I have one pot- now you make dinner with that!

Yesterday, I also weedeated my whole front yard as I couldn't get the mower started! I will be down here for a week and the grass would be too high if I hadn't done anything. This past week I also weeded garden beds two of which have cactus gardens! I still am pulling out tiny stickers! The realtor said I should do it! I told him the next time anyone gets the bright idea to weed the cactus- they should supply gloves with that! He said- who plants cactus intentionally! I do- I love it! Really low maintenance, until you have to weed! O I also cut down all my rose bushes in the front of the house, they were getting overgrown!

In honor of Pax's birthday a great qute from THE DIVA!

The real power behind whatever success I have now was something I found within myself - something that's in all of us, I think, a little piece of God just waiting to be discovered.
Tina Turner (1938 - ), O Magazine, December 2003


Craver Vii said...

Big hugs and kisses from children... not even the wonders of the world can compare with that! I hope to be able to make a related announcement soon. That's all I can say for now.

Cactus garden?? I don't think I've ever seen one. I'll have to google it to find some images.

Anonymous said...

Your family just sounds so wonderful!!

Virginia Gal said...

good quote for Pax : )

You gotta tell us how the yard sale went!

Merci said...

Yikes! I should do a yard sale, but I'm not up to it. I'm just going to donate stuff. I am taking a few days off this week to clean and clear inside and to weed and plant outside.

Molly Malone said...

"a little piece of God waiting to be discovered."