Wednesday, August 06, 2008

accidental meeting

One of the indictments of civilizations is that happiness and intelligence are so rarely found in the same person.
William Feather (1908 - 1976)

I took dau #1 to the airport today to fly back to Florida. Reagan International. Had to fight morning rush hour traffic. Lost my way a bit even with GPS in the car. Was permitted to actually take her to the gate as she is handicapped. She had her precious peanut butter confiscated by the Security (haven't figured that out yet). She thought she could munch on with crackers in the flight.

Went to my car, very sleepily for the return trip. Had just had a couple of hours sleep. Got to an intersection in the parkade and was stopped by an attendant. The other driver (of a utility vehicle), was motioned forward. He shook his head NO and I was motioned to proceed. Slowly I did and crunch was hit by another driver on the drivers side of my vehicle. "O it's only a minor fender bender, Hubby can spruce the car back to its pristine condition" "should the authorities be notified?" "guess we'd better".

The other driver an Asian, very quiet gentleman, kept bowing at me. He looked quite dismayed at the whole situation. We exchanged salutations and "are you okays". Of course not a scratch was on his car.

The attendant came running over. She started yelling profanities at me- in my most enduring mommanator way I informed her, I had been motioned forward by her. She shut her mouth quickly when I told her there was no need for name calling everyone was ok. I'd have thought her car had just been hit with the way she was yelling.

After several minutes the officer arrived, we exchanged insurance info. I really didn't think we'd need to, but when I got home and looked at the damage a bit better, rethought that. When I perused the report found out the quiet man was 80 years old! I have yet to find out how to locate his insurance company. When I called him he told me his English conversation was not good, he hadn't reported the incident to his insurance and he would get back to me. I am still waiting-Tomorrow is another day!

It was a minor mishap, no one was injured. Actually if ya look at all the miles I drive in a year, I am quite lucky. And so it's just another day in the life of the mommanator!

Old age, calm, expanded, broad with the haughty breadth of the universe, old age flowing free with the delicious near-by freedom of death.
Edith Wharton (1862 - 1937)


Craver Vii said...

"...happiness and intelligence are so rarely found in the same person.

Wha? I don't get it. ;-)

mommanator said...

me either, just quoting a quote!